Resilient and Empowered Coaching Education  


Resilient = A skill and way of being that is both mind and body that enables us to navigate a wide range of experiences in life including sport and performance.


Empower = I support, encourage, uplift, educate and challenge an athlete to grow, learn and succeed holistically both on and off the field.

As the mental health crisis continues to impact our communities, I believe it is imperative that we as a sport community continue to take proactive approaches to support both athlete and coach mental health. In my work over the last 5 years in youth, collegiate and professional sport (and from my experience as a former youth and collegiate coach) I feel one area sport culture can improve is in supporting our sport coaches. Coaches have mental health too and our mental health directly impacts our individual and team performance and their mental health.

When we support and equip our coaches with the tools and skills to be resilient this will positively impact how they in turn support and empower their athletes. Sport, at a foundational level is about community and connection. Sport environments are places where, given the right tools and skills, athletes can thrive, learn life long lessons and build resilience. When we empower our athletes we help them build their capacity for more ownership, responsibility and agency around their mental health and performance. Resilient and Empowered Coaching is about creating connection and collaboration through education and awareness for coaches.

When we empower our coaches and help them build more resilience we are supporting and empowering our athletes to build resilience. This is what sport is all about.

Read more about my Professional Background Here

Resilient and Empowered Coaching Program

Mental Health and Resiliency Awareness and Education


Basic education to help coaches learn and build more awareness around mental health and resilience. 

Mindfulness and Resiliency for Coaches


Helping coaches build awareness and then take care of their own mental health and resiliency. 

Resilient and Empowered Coaching


Teaching coaches tools and skills they can implement in to their coaching in order to empower and build resilience in their athletes and sport spaces. 

Interested in bringing Resilient and Empowered Coaching to your organization? 

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