Inclusion Statement

I am a white, cisgender, heterosexual, able bodied woman. I acknowledge that I am privileged. I believe in continuing to learn and grow in areas both personally and professionally that will allow me to show up and connect with others in authentic and genuine ways. 

Diversity, equity and inclusion as well as trauma Informed practice are two areas that I am committed to doing the work around. I believe in not just saying I will do the work but living and embodying this work in everything I do, particularly in how I work with others. 

When I graduated with my Masters in Clinical Social Work, I don’t think I fully understood our values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. Only in my continued work as a coach and therapist did I actively step into living, embodying and advocating for these values. 

My inclusion statement is one of acknowledgement and commitment to valuing, respecting and advocating for ALL people, particularly people who have been historically excluded from our society. 


Land acknowledgement 

First and foremost, I acknowledge that I live, work and play on native land and spend the majority of my time on the land of the original Susquehannock, Piscataway  and Lenapehoking people. 


How did I arrive at Trauma Informed Care 

As a survivor of childhood and young adult trauma I know firsthand the impact that both trauma and toxic stress have on livelihood and well being. I have spent years navigating my own healing journey and actively working through complex PTSD. I know how isolating, lonely and devastatingly hard this can be. I know that to live and be human is to at some point experience trauma or toxic stress. No human is immune and to work with and be in connection requires us to be trauma aware and trauma informed. 

The foundation of my work with humans is being able to honor , respect and be with their full humanity. I want all of my clients to feel these 3 things: 

I see you. 

I hear you. 

You matter. 

You are valued and welcome as you are. 

To me, this is the heart of inclusivity. Every human, regardless of how they identify and what they have lived through is worthy of love and belonging. This is the heart of trauma informed care and what I dedicate my life and work to bring to the world and all people and organizations I work with. 

How did I arrive at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

I grew up in Charlottesville, Virginia which is an International Rescue Committee city. IRC cities help refugees relocate to the United States from areas around the world where people are living and surviving the most horrific crises. My community consisted of amazing and incredible people with so many different identities, cultures, religions and backgrounds. Yet, what this also exposed me to from a very early age, was how unkind and cruel the world is to people of marginalized communities. 

As the Black Lives Matter movement took shape through COVID I felt a strong desire as a white woman with incredible privilege to learn and educate myself on power, privilege and systems of oppression. We are currently living in a world where racism, oppression, homophobia, transphobia, mass genocide, war and more are in the news daily. I choose not to “other” these experiences because as a therapist and coach I work with People of Color, People who belong to the LGBTQ+ community and People with disabilities. I work with people who ARE impacted directly by the hate, discrimination and crime that unfairly threaten people's lives and existence every day. 

I believe wholeheartedly in continuously doing the work to support, empower and uplift people who have historically been excluded,  or treated “other” by society. 


What do I believe in? 

  • I believe in a world where all humans are worthy of love, belonging and connection by simply being born. 

  • I believe in a world where we see and acknowledge differences in identity and lived experience and then value, respect, encourage and celebrate them. 

  • I believe in a world that is more mental health aware and trauma informed

  • I believe in spaces and communities where people, regardless of how they identify and what they have lived through, are included, can access safety and feel like they belong. 

  • I believe that inclusion and belonging are the starting place for people to access safety in their own physical body and then feel empowered to be who they are. This is the true place where people can then learn, grow, genuinely connect with others and access their full potential. 

What am I committed to? 

  • I am committed to admitting and acknowledging that I am  very much still learning about Diversity, equity and inclusion as well as trauma informed care every day and there is still a lot I DON’T know. 

  • I am committed to being a Social worker and coach that is centered in providing services that are rooted in authenticity, connection and inclusivity. 

  • I am committed to building a business and creating spaces that are both trauma informed and racially diverse, equitable and inclusive. These are spaces where all people, regardless of identity and lived experience can access safety and feel like they belong

  • I am committed to ongoing learning and education around diversity, equity and inclusion as well as Trauma Informed practice. So far I have completed programs including those from (but not exclusive to): 

  • I am committed to acknowledging and amplifying the lived experience and professional work of people of marginalized identities. I am committed to learning from people in both the DEI and Trauma informed space and paying/investing in their services and products. 

  • Lastly, I commit to acknowledging that I am human and I will make mistakes. I will cause both intentional and unintentional harm. I am committed to continuous learning and growing so that as I learn and grow I will do better.



Thank you for being here. You and every person in your community are worthy of love, belonging, and safety. I believe in a world where everyone feels this and will keep fighting and advocating for it until it becomes our truth.