Download your FREE E-BOOK "The Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Mindful Athlete"



I provide educational and empowering speaking engagements around mental health, mindfulness and resiliency.


My goal through speaking and workshops is to: 

  • To POSITIVELY IMPACT the lives of all student athletes and coaches I  work with. 
  • To EDUCATE student athletes and coaches on mindfulness, mental health and resilience.
  • To SUPPORT athletes and coaches in gaining new insight and awareness around how they think, feel, behave and interact with the world around them. 
  • To EMPOWER student athletes and coaches to use their insight, mindfulness, mental health and resiliency learning to positively impact their day to day lives and sport performance. 




"Emily came to St. John's for a couple days at the beginning of our spring sports season. She met with our middle school and high school, student-athletes and coaches. There were small and large group workshops where mental health was our focus. The thoughtful conversation, clear presentation, and meaningful reflection, were all thanks to Emily's professionalism and care she has around the topic of mental health. As a school, we're extremely grateful for Emily taking the time to come on campus and share her information and resources with us."

-Jameson Pelkey, Director of Athletics, St. Johns Prep



Mental Health, Mindfulness and Resiliency Speaking and Workshops


  • What is mental health? 
  • The mental health stigma 
  • Action steps to address mental health 
  • Creating a mental health aware team culture 
  • Athlete transition (freshman / senior) 
  • Supporting teammates in their mental health 
  • Relationships and boundaries 
  • Stress management and sleep hygiene 
  • Self Compassion 
  • Mindful and Resilient communication 
  • Mindfulness and Resiliency 101 
  • Stress management 
  • Leadership 

Speaking Engagements and Workshops include: 

  • Educational content to build awareness and learning 
  • Opportunity for engagement and connection within your team or community 
  • Actionable "take aways" that your community can implement and use

Interested in a speaking engagement or workshop for your team or organization? 


Contact Us Here


Speaking engagements or workshops are not therapy and do not replace therapy, clinical or medical advice. Blogs, social media, workshops, and coaching sessions do not replace individualized care and counseling. Although Emily Perrin is a Licensed Master of Social Work her Mindfulness and Performance coaching with athletes is not therapy. As always, please consult with your medical provider or mental health clinician for mental health or medical concerns.

Thank you, Emily Perrin, Perrin Wellness and Performance LLC